Alexis Tsipras tells Matteo Renzi: 'I will wear your tie when we solve Greece's debt crisis'

4 Φεβ 2015

Matteo Renzi, Italy's prime minister, gave his Greek counterpart, newly-elected Alexis Tsipras, the gift of a tie on Tuesday, making the famously tie-eschewing politician promise to wear it on the day that Greece emerges from its debt crisis.
The two leaders held a press conference in Rome after a meeting in which they discussed the monumental challenges facing Greece, as Mr Tsipras and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, tour European capitals to try to drum up their support for an end to austerity policies.
Mr Tsipras, the head of the radical Leftist Syriza party, favour an informal look but has said that he might consider donning a tie if Greece can come to a deal with its international creditors and end the debt crisis that has produced 50 per cent youth unemployment and a 25 per cent contraction in the economy.
"I promise I will wear it when we find a viable solution for Europe," Mr Tsipras said, as the pair exchanged smiles. Mr Renzi told him: "We hope that when the moment comes, and Greece emerges from the crisis, Alexis will be able to use this Italian tie."
The Italian prime minister said his government would support Greece's efforts to renegotiate its debt and climb out of a crushing, six-year recession, but that "European rules" needed to be respected by all EU member states.
There seemed little chance of Rome and Athens forging a "Club Med", anti-austerity axis against the richer northern countries of the euro zone, led by Germany. The two men noted that they were the same age - 40 - and that they represent a new generation of European leaders.
Mr Renzi joked that he had been delighted by Mr Tsipras's election last week because he would no longer be regarded as "a dangerous man on the Left" by the rest of Europe. Mr Tsipras had instead assumed that mantle, he said. The Greek prime minister spoke of the need to bring austerity to an end so that his country could return to "dignity, hope and social justice".
It was time to end "the politics of fear and uncertainty", he said. He said his government, barely a week old, needed time in order to come up with a "programme of economic recovery". The crisis in Greece had hit the middle classes and the poor, but had left the rich and corrupt untouched, he said. "Our people have suffered unjustly."
Greece had to convince its EU partners that austerity had failed and that a push for growth was "the logical path". Athens and its creditors, the EU and the IMF, had to find "mutually advantageous solutions" to end Greece's debt burden and rebuild its crippled economy, the Greek premier said. He insisted that Greece's creditors and European taxpayers had "nothing to fear" from his government, a mix of socialists, Marxists and Communists.

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