UKIP Leader Nigel Farage makes intervention on Greece-EU Crisis

11 Μαρ 2015

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage MEP has made an intervention in the ongoing Greece/European Union crisis following comments from Greece’s Defence Minister Panos Kammenos, whom Mr Farage spoke with this morning.
Kammenos is quoted as having said of its ongoing financial and currency crisis: “If they [the Troika] deal a blow to Greece, then they should know the migrants will get papers to go to Berlin… If Europe leaves us in the crisis, we will flood it with migrants, and it will be even worse for Berlin if in that wave of millions of economic migrants there will be some jihadists of the Islamic State too.”
The comments, seized upon across the European press as incendiary, were discussed in a private telephone conversation between Mr Farage and Mr Kammenos this morning, with a view to the European Member of Parliament developing a greater understanding of the events in Greece, and offering his support for Greece’s democratic process, which is being consistently undermined, and is yet to be properly recognised by the European powers. It was clear from the conversation that the Greek problems are not limited to financial issues, but indeed take into consideration up to a million illegal immigrants, mainly from Turkey, that Greece has been pressured to absorb due to the European Union’s expansionism, i.e. paving the way for Turkey to become a full member state of the European Union.
One million migrants in an economy which is already unable to provide jobs for the Greek people is placing further strains of Greek public services, wages, and more. Mr Kammenos’s words, specifically those about jihadis, were not the words of diplomacy, understandably, given Greece and the Greek people are now at breaking point. Realism, rather than the expansionist European idealism - is now to be expected from the Greek government. Britain and Europe should be aware of this.
Nigel Farage MEP said: “I had a very constructive telephone call with Mr Kammenos, who explained to me the finer detail behind his words, which I in turn explained were deeply concerning for Britain, and indeed Europe’s security situation.
“The point is that the EU is simply not taking Greece and its democratically elected government seriously enough. It’s tied to the European project, and even expansion into Turkey – and the Greek people are seen as a sacrifice worth making for this to happen. This is clearly not acceptable, and I told Mr Kammenos that I would make whatever noises I can to draw attention to the fact that between Berlin and Brussels, Greece is being shafted.
“Further to this, it is deeply concerning that Europe is effectively forcing Greece to accept a million migrants, an austerity deal, a failing currency, and more. In turn, Greece has made the point that it could easily make these people European Citizens, allowing them free movement into Europe. The British government should reflect seriously on the EU’s free movement principles, as this now relates directly to public security and terrorism, if, as Mr Kammenos says, some of these migrants are ‘jihadists of the Islamic State’.”
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