World Bank Warns of Economic Threat to West Africa from Ebola Crisis

9 Οκτ 2014

WASHINGTON - Ebola spreading throughout West Africa could cause up to $33 billion in losses for the region’s economy, the World Bank said Wednesday in a report warning of deeper damage from the crisis.
   “A swift policy reaction by the international community is crucial,” the World Bank said in its latest assessment of the potential economic effect of Ebola.
   The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have ramped up their financing in recent weeks for the three worst-hit countries in the region - Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia - as the outbreak overwhelms their economies. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has said the epidemic could cause an economic catastrophe for those nations unless it’s contained by the end of the year.
   The development organization now says the economic hit could be much broader and deeper than originally thought.
   “It is far from certain that the epidemic will be fully contained by December,” the bank said in the report released Wednesday. “Over the medium term…both epidemiological and economic contagion in the broader sub region of West Africa is likely,” it said.
   If the virus isn’t contained in the coming months, Liberia and Sierra Leone would likely be pushed into deep economic contractions. “The economic impacts are already very serious in the core three countries - particularly Liberia and Sierra Leone - and could become catastrophic” under a slow-containment scenario, the bank said.
   The outbreak has taken a devastating human toll on the three fragile African countries. The worst economic damage, however, has largely been wrought through fear of contagion, not infection itself. Farmers have abandoned their fields, shop owners have closed their stores and manufacturers have slashed output.
   If the epidemic spreads into the much larger neighboring economies, the cumulative two-year impact could reach nearly $33 billion by the end of 2015, the bank said. If the outbreak is contained more quickly, the costs would be around $4 billion for the region. Both Senegal and Nigeria have shown hope for a quicker containment.
   Africa’s sub-Saharan region is one of the fastest-growing areas in the world. Public investment in infrastructure and higher agricultural production are expected to boost growth in the region. The IMF forecasts the collective sub-Saharan economy will grow at a 5.8% clip next year, up from 5.1% this year.
   But, the IMF warned, “Should the Ebola outbreak become more protracted or spread to more countries, it would have dramatic consequences for economic activity in the west Africa region.”
   The World Bank warned of longer-term effects not outlined in its report. “This analysis doesn't take into account the longer-term impacts generated by mortality, failure to treat other health conditions due to aversion behavior and lack of supply capacity, school closings and dropouts, and other shocks to livelihoods,” the bank said.

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