Greece debt talks are too slow, says EC chief Juncker

14 Μαρ 2015

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has criticized the slow pace of progress in talks over Greece's debt, since last month's interim deal.
At a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Brussels, Mr Juncker said he was "not satisfied". Mr Tsipras needs EU support for reforms to unlock vital funds, avoid possible bankruptcy and a eurozone exit.
The leftist leader has pledged to end austerity - but his plans have met resistance from Greece's EU creditors. Greece negotiated a four-month extension to its bailout last month after tense talks with creditors.
Eurozone leaders are ready to extend help on Greece's €240bn (£176bn; $272bn) bailout until the end of June. To persuade the EU of its credit-worthiness, Greece has announced a series of reforms. But it also wants the EU to agree new terms for the long-term repayment of its debts.
If no agreement is reached, Greece risks being unable to meet its obligations. Within the next two weeks alone, it needs €6bn (£4.3bn; $6.4bn) to pay its creditors.
Mr Juncker said he was "not satisfied with the developments in recent weeks". "I don't think that we have made sufficient progress, but we'll try to push in the direction of a successful conclusion of the issues we have to deal with." However, he ruled out failure in the talks, which could precipitate Greece's exit from the eurozone.
"I am totally excluding a failure, I don't want a failure. I would like Europeans to go together. This is not the time for division," he said. Speaking alongside Mr Juncker, Mr Tsipras said he remained optimistic. "If there is political will, everything is possible," he said.
The two men agreed to set up a new task force to help oversee the funds Greece receives from the EU. The team will be led by former Latvian leader, Valdis Dombrovskis, along with a Greek minister, who has yet to be appointed.
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