What next for Greece?

1 Μαΐ 2015

A series of deadlines are looming that could trigger the country's exit from the euro - with all the political and financial upheaval that would entail.

Or we may see a political rapprochement, longed-for respite from austerity for the Greeks, and a slow return to economic stability and growth.

Greece in numbers
€320bn - Greece's debt mountain
€240bn - European bailout
  €56bn - Greece owes Germany
    177% - country's debt-to-GDP ratio
      25% - fall in GDP since 2010
      26% - Greek unemployment rate
Source: ECB, IMF, Greek National Statistics Agency

Professor Otmar Issing
President, Centre for Financial Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt; former chief economist at the European Central Bank (ECB). Prof Otmar Issing says Europe has done enough for Greece and a line must be drawn. Prof Issing is hawkish on Greece's culpability and the need for Athens to learn to live within its means.
"There is no question that Greece is responsible herself for the mess she is in," he says. "It started with misguided policies even before the start and continued over many years."
Simply writing off Greece's debt would "immediately raise demands by other countries with high debt", he says, and would be especially difficult for the ECB and other debtors to swallow, given that banks and other private investors have already renounced "more than 50% of their claims - the largest debt relief in history."
Europe has done more than enough for Greece and a line must be drawn, he believes, even if this means it has to leave the euro.
While this would show that "the exchange rate regime is not irreversible", it would also "be a strong signal that a member country cannot continue endlessly violating rules and commitments."

Anders Borg
Chair, World Economic Forum's Global Financial System Initiative; former minister for finance, Sweden. Anders Borg thinks the Greek government needs to "get serious".
The Greeks "are wasting time by fooling around - they need to give Europe access to their government data and get serious," says Mr Borg.
Part of the problem has been a lack of mutual trust between European negotiators and the country's new, inexperienced left-wing Syriza government, he believes.
Once Greece shows a willingness to continue reforming - including opening up more of its markets to competition and taxing property more heavily, Europe could soften its demands on Greece in return, he thinks.
If negotiations were to fail, then leaving the euro would be a "meltdown scenario" for Greece, he thinks, resulting in capital controls on the banks, and even some bank closures, he says. Import prices would "go through the roof" and investment would "fall through the floor".
For the rest of Europe, a Grexit would be less serious, so the onus is on Greece to do more, concludes Mr Borg.
But judging on their behaviour so far "it's not certain that they want to be saved," he says.

The ECB, which has increased emergency liquidity funding for Greek banks to about €77bn, also thinks the country needs to do more to secure extra funding.
"More work, much more work is needed now and it's urgent," ECB head Mario Draghi said in April. "We all want Greece to succeed. The answer is in the hands of the Greek government."
Deadlines, deadlines... If Greece can't pay its bills will it have to leave the eurozone?

- 1 May: Greece has to pay €200m of loan interest to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), although it may be given a few days grace owing to the long bank holiday weekend.
- 8 May: Greece has to roll over €1.4bn worth of maturing 6-month Treasury bills.
- 11 May: Crucial meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels - Greece likely to be high on the agenda.
- 12 May: Greece due to repay €760m of IMF loan
- 15 May: Greece has to roll over €1.4bn worth of maturing 3-month Treasury bills.
- End of May: the country needs to find about €2.5bn to pay salaries and pensions.
- 30 June: The €240bn bailout agreement between the eurozone and Greece officially expires.
- June and July: €6.7bn due to be repaid to the European Central Bank.
(Πηγή: bbc.com)
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