Debt crisis: Greece temporarily averts default disaster

13 Μαΐ 2015

GREEK bankruptcy has been temporarily averted as the cash-strapped country has managed to scrape together enough money to make a vital loan repayment.

However, the coffers in Athens are thought to be completely dry and it’s uncertain how Greece is to meet welfare payments in the coming days.
Euro leaders today met in Brussels to talk about the future of the debt-crippled country and the reforms needed to carry on providing Greece with cash.
Despite weeks of negotiations, eurozone creditors and the Greek leftist government have been unable to reach an agreement that would unlock a €7.2billion (£5.6billion) bailout loan for Athens.
Completely broke, Greece has struggled to pay pensions, public sector wages and suppliers in recent weeks. Many feared that Athens would not be able to afford a €750million (£540million) repayment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) due tomorrow, but at the last moment Greece has confirmed that the payment is set to go through. However, there is another repayment due next month on June 5.
The leftist government has refused to agree to pension and labour reforms that would see the bailout loan go through. And there are a number of signs that patience with Greece has run its course.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras claimed he's confident a deal will be reached, while a spokesperson for the government today warned "there is no plan B".
But euro leaders have not echoed Mr Tsipras' words. To the contrary, the IMF has previously said that a loan repayment holiday is out of the question and is reportedly drawing up plans to deal with a default.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has also confirmed that plans are being made to deal with a Greek default.
Greece's new Syriza government, which was elected into power in January, wants an end to creditor-imposed austerity but needs euro cash to keep functioning.
A couple of weeks ago, Mr Tsipras ordered his Marxist Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, to step aside from key talks after infuriating eurozone leaders with his outspoken views and refusal to back down.
Since then, progress has reportedly been made but the government last week said that Greece can't be expected to make all of the concessions and ruled out the reforms to pension or labour systems.
Much of the outcome depends on Germany, which is Greece's biggest creditor nation. Mr Tsipras has apparently spoken by telephone to Chancellor Angela Merkel several times last week.
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